Good morning/afternoon. My name is _______ and I'm calling on behalf of ____________ _________. I'd like to speak to with (TARGET CONTACT), the (POSITION) please?
my desk as the instrument of rancor,
i rattle the drawer to make the noise of a quake and tremor
and my shaky leg of quiver and tremble
im pissing in my piss bottle right now!
because i have a clock on my desktop
and it says 16:07,
(a time of essence!)
in 14 days, Jamestown will be settled

god dammit, i cannot get this drawer open

ther e s. a a. jaa a aa m

in the s gn l.

it just came open.

i forgot about this thing...
Good morning/afternoon. My name is _______ and I'm calling on behalf of ____________ _________. I'd like to speak to with (TARGET CONTACT), the (POSITION) please?